1·Mr Clover is concerned about the likely effect.
2·No: the most likely effect would be to cut exports, too.
3·But erosion can occur if soil is dry, which is a likely effect if it contains inadequate amounts of carbon.
4·Otherwise, the likely effect is either confusion (think colleagues or grandparents) or insult (think boss or boyfriend).
5·Bank of America declined to comment on the stock price, the likely effect of a new rescue plan or calls for management changes.
6·The FTC’s narrow definition played up the likely effect on prices from the loss of that rivalry but ignored the more distant challenge from ordinary supermarkets.
7·A more likely effect is that trading volumes will rise because hedge funds and other institutional investors will have a greater incentive to trade once they can hedge their risks.
8·As a teen, you are likely to have experienced the effect of peer pressure in a number of different areas.
9·Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses.
10·"The DOE study concluded that the gains were smaller in the South than in the North, likely due to increased air conditioning effect," Dowd said.